Monthly Archives: June 2021

Congratulations – Poetry Contest Winners

Algonquin poets were challenged to compose a poem titled “Why Poetry is Medicine for the Soul” I am very pleased to announce the winners of the poetry contest I put forward on May 28, 2021.  Celine Whiteduck took first prize … Continue reading

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SJAM Parkway – Hit the Road!

Dear Friends, I know that a vast number of Canada’s citizens will never condemn their first prime minister for any wrongs he is guilty of. To them he is a hero. He is a perfect human being who came along … Continue reading

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Sir John A. Macdonald Parkway? Yes / No

The finger of blame, for the Indian Residential Schools, for the starvation tactics used against our First Nations relatives on the prairies, and for the inhumane Indian Act, point directly to one man, John A. Macdonald. Canada’s first prime minister … Continue reading

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215 Dead Children; Kamloops

I have oftentimes imagined that the Centre Block on Parliament Hill is representative of the heart of the Canadian Nation. Like the human heart, from which comes our ability to be kind, brave, wise, generous, sharing and all of those … Continue reading

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