Monthly Archives: April 2021

In Gratitude of Congratulatory Comments

Kwey to all of you who took time away from your COVID concerns to write congratulatory notes to me (regarding Poet Laureate) via FB, website and emails. All your good words were graciously received. May Creator bless all of you … Continue reading

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Albert Dumont – Ottawa Poet Laureate (Algonquin Territory)

Big news! I have been selected (by unanimous decision) to be the City of Ottawa’s next Poet Laureate. What a proud moment this is in my life! The outgoing Poet Laureate (Deanna Young) said in our recent talk, that I … Continue reading

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In Honour of the Duke of Edinburgh

It was at the time of the Flower Moon, the last moon of spring season, as feasted by the Algonquin Anishinabe that the Duke of Edinburgh took his first breath as a human being. Spring, a fitting season for a … Continue reading

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April 9 – 33 Years of Sobriety

Good morning my Daughters and Grandchildren, Today, April 9, 2021, I celebrate 33 years of sobriety. It seems to me that the many suns, the many moons which have passed since then, have brought forth joyful experiences we would not … Continue reading

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