I Vote, with Care and Precision!

When we think about who we should trust the most in this dysfunctional world (outside of our own family members), we realize that it is the person/politician we voted for to represent our voice in Houses of Assembly.

When I look at the person seeking to get elected to political office with the aid of my vote, I try to see what is honourable about the candidate, not only through my eyes but also through the eyes of my grandchildren. For it is they, the next generation of our bloodlines, whose health and wellness will be impacted the most by decisions of concern to the environment, healthcare and human rights, our political leaders make today. 

On behalf of my grandchildren and great-grandchildren I want questions answered by people hoping to secure my vote on election day. “What is your plan to stop crime, to fight abuse of power by corrupt politicians, to combat homelessness and to assure sensible medical aid for all citizens?” To bring peace to my mind I want to know the principles that will guide the person I will support with my vote! My relatives not yet born are counting on me to do my part as a voter in bringing in the best of the best to lead us into a gentler and better future.

It is true that money corrupts but I put my trust (my vote) into a person I believe will never sell out to anyone. I do not want to worry about the person I voted for being bought by powerful lobbies or corporations in this country. The person I vote for will be expected to fight the oppression of any human beings on this earth, regardless of skin colour or cultural background. I expect them to do so with every fibre of their being. If they don’t, I will regard it as a broken trust and I will not be quick to forgive.

Some of you reading this might not like it, but when Justin Trudeau was elected Prime Minister, I was happy. He got my vote! I believed in him and put my trust in him when he promised “a Nation to Nation relationship” with the Indigenous Peoples of this land. No more!

Trudeau broke the trust I had in him further when he brought Canada into a dark place where Canadians found themselves being complicit in a genocide (Gaza). The Liberals lost my support! I have no trust in Poilievre (that’s a straight up no-brainer), he would be a disaster and march lock step to the orders of other world leaders as Trudeau did. In the next election I am voting NDP.

I support Joel Harden’s nomination for Ottawa-Centre and I will be voting for Gilbert Whiteduck in Pontiac-KitiganZibi.

I trust in both of them to uphold the values I stand to protect and defend. Both Gilbert and Joel have proven themselves over the years I have known them, to be ‘honourable” men who will do all they can to make our world cleaner, safer and fair for all.

Keep the Circle Strong,

South Wind (Albert Dumont)

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One Response to I Vote, with Care and Precision!

  1. Sylvia Smith says:

    Wonderful Albert! You have given a context-rich answer to,”Who will I vote for?” In the next election. Thank you. The reasons you give for your choice are common sense. Unfortunately, we fall very short on that characteristic. Thank you helping us see more clearly.

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