Monthly Archives: June 2015

Chaudière Falls: Unceded Territory

Sacredness is present everywhere! The birds singing their welcoming songs for the early morning sun and the dew-covered berries of early summer know it. All things in the fertile fields of our grand valleys and stirring on the rocky landscape … Continue reading

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Reconciliation: Pleasant Park School

Reconciliation – that’s what June 10th at Pleasant Park Elementary School was truly all about. The First Peoples have had a rough ride of it in this country for quite a while. We only began reclaiming our spirituality in the … Continue reading

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A Plea For Help

The seasons of life, how wonderfully fortunate and privileged are the human beings who experience all of them! To live from the springtime of your life all the way through to the winter of your years is something we hope … Continue reading

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Development On The Chaudière Falls? No!

The Chaudière Falls – so many thoughts come to mind when I see and hear them. ‘The Kettle of Boiling Waters,’ for me, always provokes thoughts of life and its purpose and of the world waiting for us after our … Continue reading

Posted in Community, Idle No More, Nature, Spirituality | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | 4 Comments