Tag Archives: Aboriginal

J.B., The Cat Who Thinks He’s A Dog

A friend of mine lives in an old farm house on the outskirts of the city. A cat (I’m almost 100% certain it’s a cat) lives with him. The cat’s fur is the colour of a freshly shined black shoe, … Continue reading

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My Feelings on Joseph Boyden

Twenty-five summers ago at Lebreton Flats, I stood in circle with 70 good people at 5:15 a.m. to welcome the rising sun with offerings of heartberries and tobacco. At least 35 of the sunrise ceremony’s participants were white folk. This … Continue reading

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Good Luck Marlene Carter

This visit (March 30) with Marlene, likely the last one I will have with her at the Brockville Mental Health Centre, was the best of all the numerous and wonderful times I’ve spent with her. There is so much to reflect … Continue reading

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Marlene Carter Is Feeling Hopeful

I am happy to report to all of you that I had a pleasant visit with Marlene on Tuesday, March 15th. I want all concerned to know that our objections as to how Marlene was being treated for her mental … Continue reading

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The Royal – Protest Supporting Marlene Carter – February 26, 2016

Our day of protest was a freezing one to be sure (-27°C). But I can tell you, the frigidness of the day had a ways to sink in its gauge to find the depth of the cold-heartedness the mental healthcare … Continue reading

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Press Release: Protesters will March to Royal Ottawa Mental Health Centre to Call For End of Solitary Confinement of Mentally-Ill First Nations Woman

For Immediate Release – 24 February 2016, Ottawa, Ontario Protesters will March to Royal Ottawa Mental Health Centre to Call For End of Solitary Confinement of Mentally-Ill First Nations Woman What: March & Rally for Marlene Carter at The Royal! … Continue reading

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Open Letter to the Community: Cards for Marlene

Dear Friends and Fellow Activists, I say ‘Kichi Migwech’ to all of you who took that little bit of time out of your life to write a letter registering your disgust at how a mentally-ill Cree woman, far from home, … Continue reading

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Marlene Carter – How You Can Help

Marlene Carter still remains in seclusion at the Brockville Mental Health Centre Forensic Treatment Unit after close to 4 months. Where in the future will there be light for her? When she is finally freed from her torture chamber, it … Continue reading

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Follow-Up On Rally For Marlene Carter

The Brockville Mental Health Centre experienced its first protest in its entire history on February 11, something long overdue, so far as a growing number of human rights advocates are concerned. A small group of these dedicated activists gathered at … Continue reading

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Update On Marlene Carter

I have just been notified that Marlene Carter has experienced another incident of self-injury. It occurred on Thursday, February 4th of last week. Marlene was in the confines of her seclusion cell when she began striking her head on the … Continue reading

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