Tag Archives: Indigenous


There are memories that haunt me, I see them in my distant past and wish they had never occurred. I Wish I Could ForgetI recall that as an innocent 6-year-old boy, hearing white people shout, “Go back to where you … Continue reading

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Anglican Apology: For Spiritual Harm the Church caused the Indigenous Peoples

“Our purpose as human beings,” I was told years ago by an old man of Cree ancestry, “is not to try to understand who or what Creator is, but rather, it is to heap daily praise on the abundance Creator … Continue reading

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Genocide? Ask the Beothuk!

The Anishinabe (First Peoples) of past times looked with wounded hearts upon the destruction and death that the Residential Schools were bringing to their children and to their once powerful nations. The death toll of innocent children at the schools … Continue reading

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It is spring! In forest dwellings, many a new heart will begin to drum before the Strawberry Moon (the first moon of summer) signals to this wondrous season of countless blessings that her time of service to Creator has finally … Continue reading

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The Spiritual Caress of the Winter Season

I was recently blessed with a life-altering and dreamlike experience. Truly spiritually refreshing! I want to tell you about it. It was on a sunlit winter’s day, which followed a period of heavy snow and freezing temperatures. I had attached … Continue reading

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Book Launch: Sitting by the Rapids

After a fine day of sunshine and joy, the evening of Wednesday, December 12, 2018, will be especially memorable to me for many years to come. It will forever mark the time when I launched my poetry book Sitting by … Continue reading

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In Memory of Chief Harry St. Denis

I am sharing this letter I wrote about the sudden passing of Wolf Lake Algonquin’s Chief, Harry St. Denis, below. Dear Verna Polson and the People of Wolf Lake, A great Algonquin Anishinabe Chief has died. Harry St. Denis talked … Continue reading

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In Defence of Indigenous Spiritual Beliefs

UPDATE: The person involved spoke with me in person, and so I have decided to remove her name from this post. Thank you also for the support I have received, it warms my heart. **** Just got back home (Kitigan Zibi) … Continue reading

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J.B., The Cat Who Thinks He’s A Dog

A friend of mine lives in an old farm house on the outskirts of the city. A cat (I’m almost 100% certain it’s a cat) lives with him. The cat’s fur is the colour of a freshly shined black shoe, … Continue reading

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My Feelings on Joseph Boyden

Twenty-five summers ago at Lebreton Flats, I stood in circle with 70 good people at 5:15 a.m. to welcome the rising sun with offerings of heartberries and tobacco. At least 35 of the sunrise ceremony’s participants were white folk. This … Continue reading

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