Sitting by the Rapids

Albert writes about Sitting by the Rapids: “The ancestors, living at the time of European contact had a way with words. Poetry spilled effortlessly from their lips because the spirit of the land guided their words. I take seriously my belief that medicine of extraordinary healing power is found in the verses of a poet who puts words together for the purpose of bringing peace and serenity to people in want of it. The counsels and poetry of a person living with pain are special and more meaningful to an individual in the throes of heartache.”

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Praise for Sitting by the Rapids

“These gentle words full of love and powerful energy are like Albert himself. They encourage and guide the way for all who read them and are prepared to move on.”             —Maria Campbell, author of Halfbreed.

“Reading Sitting by the Rapids is a literary experience much like Indigenous poet Albert Dumont’s title for his collection. His reflective lines of personal spirituality and salvation flow over the hidden rocks of his life with a raw grace, and his evolving relationship with Nature and the Great Spirit washes powerfully over the reader, who may well see their reflection in it.” —Phil Jenkins, author of An Acre of Time.

Here are two poems from the book:

Because of You
The Words of the Victim
by Albert Dumont ©

You pushed me into raging waters
And I wonder
If my mind will ever heal

Because of you
I have forgotten the reasons
For the blossoms
And the purpose of the rain

Because of you
Instead of smiling into the dawn
I hide
And shed tear after tear

Because of you
I feel as the rust
Which descends onto the beauty
Of our autumn’s maple leaves

Because of you
Peace eludes me
And I see only heartache
Everywhere I turn

It is good now that you tell me
You are sorry
But tell me also
What you will do which will
Restore who and what I was
Before your cruelty
Pushed me into raging waters

Because of Me
The Words of the Perpetrator
by Albert Dumont ©

I pushed you into raging waters
And now I wonder
If you will ever be the same

Because of me
You have forgotten the reasons
For the blossoms
And the purpose of the rain

Because of me
Instead of smiling into the dawn
You hide
And shed tear after tear

Because of me
You feel as the rust
That descends onto the beauty
Of the autumn’s maple leaves

Because of me
Peace eludes you
And you know only heartache
Everywhere you turn

I regret that I have caused you
Such great suffering
And I am sorry
What would you have me do
That would help you
Restore who and what you were
Before my cruelty
Pushed you into raging waters

2 Responses to Sitting by the Rapids

  1. Pingback: Book Launch: Sitting by the Rapids | Albert Dumont

  2. Derek Hawksley says:

    Thank you for these words, this beauty and wisdom.

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