Monthly Archives: December 2012

Chief Theresa Spence – The Eagle

All eagles are messengers of Kichi Manido, none among them is more blessed by the touch of God than is the next. All are equally sacred. We welcome their presence at our ceremonies and draw strength and comfort for ourselves … Continue reading

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Hate Literature

“Perhaps it’s time to pack up both Attawapiskat and Kashechewan, and raze both communities on the way out.” The above is a direct quote from an editorial which appeared in the Ottawa Sun on 27 Dec 2012. If ever you … Continue reading

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The interfaith group I was part of for a year and a half is still going strong. Christian, Jew, Muslim, Sikh and most other faith groups were represented at our monthly meetings. The faith leaders were all of sweet and gentle … Continue reading

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Idle No More

Five years ago, after reading a newspaper article I had given him, a male friend of First Nations ancestry laid it down and said, “Someone should do something about that”. But he had a busy life and had much to … Continue reading

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Death of Innocents

When innocent children are murdered, the spirit of Turtle Island mourns. Because children are sacred. And when they die, all else which is sacred, the season, the forests and all within it, the rivers and lakes, the mountains, all weep, … Continue reading

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Pain: Friend or Foe?

Although my life was/is one of much suffering, I never, even one time, suspected that my pain was brought to me as the result of an enemy (I do have them) casting an evil spell on me or that at … Continue reading

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South Wind Blessing this Blog

A spiritual cleansing must first occur before the physical can get involved into something of healing. And so I say to all who I have harmed in any way that I am deeply and profoundly sorry. And I make no … Continue reading

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Welcome to Albert’s updated website!

Albert Dumont, a Traditional Teacher, was born and raised on unceded Algonquin territory (Kitigan Zibi). He is a poet and has published 4 books of poetry and short stories and 1 children’s book written in 3 languages. Several organizations, both … Continue reading

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