Tag Archives: #IdleNoMore

Omushkegowuk Walkers

Another group of First Nations heroes are on their way to Ottawa from the far north of Ontario. They are travelling by foot, one step at a time, over pavement and snow-covered landscape on their way here (Ottawa) to deliver … Continue reading

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What Spiritual Beliefs Mean to Me

Spirituality? Salvation, yes! And it has a great deal to do with our ability to walk on waters which would blur our vision to what is truly sacred if ever we sunk into them. Without my spiritual beliefs I would … Continue reading

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Racism stinks; can’t you smell it?

The following is my opinion about the controversy that has erupted because Ian Campeau (of A Tribe Called Red) made a completely reasonable request that the Nepean Redskins change their racist name. I speak for no one else but myself. … Continue reading

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The Curse of Job Thieves

It is dawn at my camp and I have just returned from a short walk. The dew was hardly present on the grasses and the low laying plants of the forest trail, for it is an overcast sky above my … Continue reading

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Assimilation? Never!

At a time of spiritual meditation I am sometimes drawn To point my face towards the sun My eyes tightly shut Still, through closed eyes I see all the colours Of a magnificent sunrise before me Like the fire within … Continue reading

Posted in Idle No More, Sobriety, Spirituality | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Humility – Curbing Violence Against Women

Humility – is it not the greatest of our grandfather teachings? It is impossible to claim to be surrounding oneself with the grandness of any of the other teachings without placing humility in the front, centre and back of all … Continue reading

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Hero – Are You One?

A white man I have a lot of respect for mentioned to me recently that he doesn’t believe Chief Theresa Spence was really on a liquid fast for 44 days. “Looked too healthy at the end of it,” he snorted. … Continue reading

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Perpetrators of Hatred

The topic was Idle No More, and suddenly the peace was broken. The voice of a very angry white man cracked from the radio perched in my cluttered kitchen. “If there is one thing I can’t stand,” he growled, “it’s … Continue reading

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Chief Spence: The Fast is Complete

Chief Spence has ended her fast, the ceremony is complete. But far into the many tomorrows will the benefits of her sacrifice run like painted mustangs on an open range. Our thoughts which bring tears, our tears which bring a … Continue reading

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Who is Guilty of Terrorism?

Our voices communicating honour for all life, the sound of our singing drums, the sight of our people dancing, the power of our circles and our growing pride are apparently terrorizing Canadians. This according to a definition of the word … Continue reading

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