Tag Archives: peaceful

Chief Spence: The Fast is Complete

Chief Spence has ended her fast, the ceremony is complete. But far into the many tomorrows will the benefits of her sacrifice run like painted mustangs on an open range. Our thoughts which bring tears, our tears which bring a … Continue reading

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Chief Spence: The Fasting Ritual

The men of Millhaven Institution’s (CSC) Native Brotherhood have found a hero, perhaps for the first time in their lives. Chief Theresa Spence has become a mighty source of inspiration into their rehabilitation goals. Her messages to them is that violence only … Continue reading

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Chief Spence and the Sacred Fire

I had an awesome visit at Victoria Island today, January 16, 2013. The sun was warm and shining bright, not interfered with by even the smallest clouds. Large geese, unafraid of people around them, walked about like military brass inspecting … Continue reading

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Chief Spence: A Peaceful Protest

Indeed, we are living in extraordinary times. The wonders in solidarity unfolding before us have created an energy in the First Nations that will stay with us until death. Our souls sing with joy. There is no turning back. The … Continue reading

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Have an Honourable New Year

Happiness – who in their right mind does not want it? Chief Theresa Spence certainly does. She is willing to absorb a lot of pain and misery, to the point of placing her life at risk so prolonged happiness could … Continue reading

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