Tag Archives: prayer

Healing Heartache

As weightless fluffy flakes of snow slowly tumble from the windless sky to form their own distinctive layer on the already snow-covered frozen earth, I find myself in deep meditation of the heart beating in my chest. I marvel at … Continue reading

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The Chaudière Falls – a Truly Sacred Site

The prophecy, so I am told, speaks of a time yet to come, when human beings will find themselves at a crossroads. A choice will then need to be made. If the wrong path is chosen, destruction, mayhem and death … Continue reading

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Free the Falls

I received a call a day ago from Lindsay Lambert. Lindsay is a friend of the community and a lover of the natural world. He called to notify me of a site on the City of Ottawa website (http://www.ottawa2017.ca/ideas/) where … Continue reading

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Big News!!!

I have a new grandchild, a boy. My heart is swollen with joy that he and his mother have begun their sacred journey together with both in good health. The beats of my drum carry the promises I make to … Continue reading

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In Defence of the Sacredness of the “Kettle of Boiling Waters”

  I sometimes feel an ache in the centre of my heart. It is not because of blood trying to squeeze itself through arteries clogged by the over-abundance of fat in my diet that the pain shows itself! The ache … Continue reading

Posted in Community, Idle No More, Nature | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 6 Comments

The Kettle of Boiling Waters: Chaudière Falls, Algonquin Territory

I recall many years ago, standing on the Chaudière Bridge in Ottawa with an elder from Pyramid Lake, Nevada. She was in the territory to share teachings of her people, the Paiute Nation. I had been delegated to assist her … Continue reading

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Migwech Ancestors

Since snow and ice arrived, already many accidents are occurring. People are being careless and not giving the snow, ice and cold winds the respect due them. The ice does not make promises of health and safety to anyone. Even … Continue reading

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Proudly do I report the success of the launch of Sakahàn (Igniting a Fire) art exhibition at the National Art Gallery on Thursday, May 16. My friends, artwork speaks. The voices emitting from the creations of our artists today are … Continue reading

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Chief Spence and the Sacred Fire

I had an awesome visit at Victoria Island today, January 16, 2013. The sun was warm and shining bright, not interfered with by even the smallest clouds. Large geese, unafraid of people around them, walked about like military brass inspecting … Continue reading

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Death of Innocents

When innocent children are murdered, the spirit of Turtle Island mourns. Because children are sacred. And when they die, all else which is sacred, the season, the forests and all within it, the rivers and lakes, the mountains, all weep, … Continue reading

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