Category Archives: Nature

Thanksgiving 2018

Kwey Dear Readers, Just a couple of things. I’ll be at Iskotew Lodge on October 11. Also, I humbly request that you do your best to attend the panel discussion Reconciliation: Re-Membering Creator’s First Sacred Pipe on October 27th. See the … Continue reading

Posted in Community, Nature, Spirituality | 4 Comments

In the Dream: Strawberry Teachings

In the dream, I find myself standing alone, in a field of tall grass, close to a rough, jagged wall made of spruce, white birch and maple trees. I say to them, “Soon, I will come to you to commence … Continue reading

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Indigenous Spirituality: Let Us Rejoice That It Is Still Here

The small Christian church at Kitigan Zibi (Algonquin unceded territory, QC) is the pride of many residents of this Anishinabeg community, 135 km north of Ottawa on Highway 105. Many a wedding and baptism ceremony have occurred there over the … Continue reading

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Indigenous Spirituality is Precious: Faith Leaders Unite

Well dear readers, we’re on again for another peaceful walk. Let us walk in unity, as friends and believers of faith who care deeply about the spiritual and physical health of water and of all else which is good and … Continue reading

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Stand Up For Marlene Carter

What a miserable season it must be in the life of a human being to have to sit, through the use of force, hour after hour, day after day, week after week, month after month in the same spot with … Continue reading

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The Circle, Power and Healing

If you agree it is a good idea, then please come to take your place in the circle next Saturday, November 21st at 10 a.m. The circle will take place in the park across from North River Road and Prince … Continue reading

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Spirit of Asinabka

After a friendly discussion with Romola, I will, hence of this day, when speaking of our most sacred site on the Grand River of the Anishinabe Kichesipirini Nation (Algonquin), refer to said place as Asinabka. It is a word which … Continue reading

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Zibi Condo Sales – A Clarification

I want to clarify here and now to readers of my blog that I do not feel I was badly treated by anyone last Saturday, November 7, while participating in a protest at the Zibi condo sales site. Jeff Westeinde … Continue reading

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Asinabka (Akikodjiwan)

If at the end of it all, condos 12 storeys high do get erected at Asinabka (Chaudière Falls and its Islands), it will be a great setback to plans honourable people have made in bringing a sensible and lasting process … Continue reading

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Once Upon A Time

Once upon a time there lived an emperor who believed himself heaven sent by God to look after the needs of the richest and most powerful men of the land. The emperor’s castle had many rooms, all of them filled … Continue reading

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