Tag Archives: DreamCorp

Akikodjiwan: A Poem

Akikodjiwan © Albert Dumont With the skin On the soles of our feet We gently touch, the sacred surface Of Akikodjiwan The spirit of the island Rises from the rock, like a bird Soaring into the blood of our hearts … Continue reading

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Reflections On The Spirituality Is Unity Walk

Over 200 good and compassionate people walked in spiritual solidarity with Jane Chartrand (Algonquin, Pikwakanagan) and I, Albert Dumont (Algonquin, Kitigan Zibi), on Friday, June 22, 2018. The walk was a special event. I truly believe that the blossoms of … Continue reading

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Indigenous Spirituality: Let Us Rejoice That It Is Still Here

The small Christian church at Kitigan Zibi (Algonquin unceded territory, QC) is the pride of many residents of this Anishinabeg community, 135 km north of Ottawa on Highway 105. Many a wedding and baptism ceremony have occurred there over the … Continue reading

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Announcement: Spirituality is Unity Walk, June 22

Dear Friends of Akikodjiwan, With hopeful hearts, we ask that you join us on another peaceful walk in support of faith and spirituality. The bloodline, the sacred circle of life, yours and ours, calls on us to walk together in … Continue reading

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Lights and Glitz at Akikodjiwan

The circus has come to town! An experience not known for a hundred years with a “rock concert” feel to it, according to an organizer interviewed by CBC this Friday morning (October 6th). Lights, glitz, glamour, press the button and … Continue reading

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Funding the “Faith is Peace” Walk

Dear Readers, The “Faith is Peace” walk was for me “prayer in motion.” I think we can all agree on that! Each step taken, proclaimed to all spirit of Creator Land that all religions and faiths in the Ottawa Region … Continue reading

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Faith Is Peace: Walk To Save Akikodjiwan (June 23, 2017)

A special moment in my life took place this past Friday, when Algonquin elders took part in the ‘Faith is Peace’ walk (Victoria Island to Parliament Hill). What made this walk so profoundly joyful and memorable for me is the … Continue reading

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Contaminated Soil Around Chaudière and Albert Islands

I vaguely recall a Fifth Estate (CBC) exposé (I think back in the 50’s) which related how First Nations workers, hired by a corporation to work with asbestos, became deathly ill a few years later. (Note: only “Indians” were hired). … Continue reading

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Akikodjiwan Lives, Now And Forever: A Call To Action

Is the soft, rich earth under our feet sacred? Indeed it is! So too are the circles of the sky, the sun and moon, also the wind our children take into their lungs and the waters which flow before a … Continue reading

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DreamKEEPERS, Politicians, Chaudière Falls

I want all of you who took the time to send your most welcomed remarks congratulating me for receiving a citation (DreamKEEPERS Citation for Outstanding Leadership) to know how grateful I am that you did so. A friend of mine … Continue reading

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