Monthly Archives: October 2021

‘I AM A HUMAN BEING’ Contest Winners

Well, the poetry contest I promoted (I am a Human Being) is over now and the winners have been selected. Deanna Young, who was the Poet Laureate for the City of Ottawa before my tenure as Laureate began, acted as … Continue reading

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La poésie de South Wind; maintenant en français

Souvent, la vie nous émerveille – telles que les surprises offertes par les collines du territoire Anishinabeg en cette saison automnale.  Chacune des feuilles offre leur bénédiction de beauté et de grandeur à chaque être qui le constate.  Nous observons … Continue reading

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South Wind’s Poetry; now in French

Life oftentimes brings spectacular wonders into our lives such as those offered by the hills of Algonquin territory at this time of the year. The leaves, each and every one of them, play their part in sending forth blessings of … Continue reading

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