In the Dream: Strawberry Teachings

In the dream, I find myself standing alone, in a field of tall grass, close to a rough, jagged wall made of spruce, white birch and maple trees. I say to them, “Soon, I will come to you to commence my journey leading to where my ancestors wait to greet me. I ask now that you prepare a peaceful trail for me. O I beg thee, place blackberries and blueberries along the outer fringes of the pathway, so that I can feast on them when hunger overcomes me. Allow me, also, to easily find on the road before me, a soft place where I can rest and dwell on how I will be received in the sacred spirit land. Let the space around me be filled with the songs of those birds I looked upon as winged blessings of this world I will soon be leaving.”

I am now in the winter of my time and hope the winter of my life will be a long one. All the same, I realize the necessity for being ready for that day when the drumming of my heart will forevermore fall silent.

I recently appeared in a video made at the Kitigan Zibi burial ground. You can watch it, below. Enjoy!

Keep the Circle Strong,
South Wind (Albert Dumont)

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