How does one define what is a “magical” day?
How does one define what is a spiritually awakening day?
Saturday, August 3, my day began at about 5 AM, when a throaty, short chopping sound awoke me. It was coming from my open bedroom window. I peered out the window and saw a chipmunk sitting on a basketball-size rock, I think it had climbed there to get access to some of the wild blackberries growing near my log home. Some ripe berries were within reach for the chipmunk because of the presence of the rock! I didn’t know chipmunks ate blackberries (?).
I returned to my bed and expressed gratitude to spirit for the sound and sight offered by my little buddy, the chipmunk (I call him Uncle Chippy). Maybe 15 minutes later, I heard coming from somewhere in the sky, the excited call given by a loon in flight. “Oh,” I thought, “the loon is telling all things who hear it to expect rain before the daylight hours of this summer Saturday come to an end!”
Later, as my coffee was brewing, I went into the yard, as I always do, to let the skin of my feet absorb the dew moisturizing the skin of Mother Earth. I go out into a dawning day as well, to fill my lungs with the cool morning air, taking in the wind, untouched by the pollution of a city and instead, full of forest energy! While there, I heard crickets happily singing somewhere on the forest floor. I heard the chirps and tweets of birds playing somewhere in the forest. I heard the gentle rattle of the poplar leaves, responding to the soft breeze heading east.
How delightful it was for me to be spiritually mesmerized by the wonder given this day by the different colours of ‘green’, perfectly spread out among the trees, the grasses, the shrubs, flowers and so on! A great gift of beauty presented for the eyes of human beings from the waters contained in the body of Mother Earth. It is water that creates colour on the land! A young artist from Slovenia, here in the territory a few weeks ago made a profound statement about water when she visited my home. “We are all children of water,” said Radharani Pernarcic. “Water is an entity that loves all her children equally!” Her words will not be forgotten.
In the grass near where I stood, a little toad no longer in length than a 10 cent piece is wide, hopped three or four times and then sat still. A large blue jay alit on a lower branch of the nearby spruce tree, then climbed up to the top, jumping from one branch to the other like a worker making their way up a ladder. A hummingbird suddenly appeared only 4 ft. from my face. Its wings swiftly fanning the air, it lingered for a few seconds, then in a flash it was gone. A beautiful monarch butterfly fluttered about in the yard, stopping on a plant here and there and then bouncing away again on the breeze.
My morning passed. Then at about 3 PM the heavy rain, as foretold by the loon in flight, began its descent. It was accompanied by streaks of lightning which I marvelled at and welcomed as they were the first I had seen this year! Thunder so loud, it vibrated in my ears for a second or two when it cracked, seemingly right over my head! In the evening, a red sun, a perfect circle, rested on the branches of the tall trees on the western horizon for a while, before closing the day. As I lay in my bed, ready for sleep, I held the events of the day in spiritual ponderance. I wondered, after I die, “will I no more experience such days?” It wouldn’t be right if we, the people who love and honour the earth to be denied these joys forevermore.
I believe that when we do not feel the need to condemn the atrocities occurring on the planet, we lessen our chances of being rewarded in the afterlife. It is said ‘Every Child Matters’. And it is true! Every creature of such innocence should be defended by human beings everywhere! There are genocides occurring in different corners of the planet. Children are being blown to smithereens by bombs made in the USA and supported by Canada and other western leaders. Ethnic cleansing is a crime against humanity and a great wrong against the love bestowed on us by Creator.
It is my spiritual duty as a human being to condemn it. If I do not, then the day I saw on Saturday will never be seen by me again in the Great Spirit Land after I leave this physical world. Let us all speak out against genocide!
Keep the Circle Strong,
South Wind (Albert Dumont)