Things I Believe in

I believe in a loving, understanding and forgiving Creator! Human beings are creatures of many faults and shortcomings. No matter how hard we try to be gracious and accommodating, our limits are all too often tested, leading to wrongs being perpetrated. Thank goodness Creator is patient with us.

I believe I can, through the force of deep spiritual meditation, communicate the concerns I have for family, all my relations and also my Nation to Creator in a good way. I believe that the doing of good deeds by human beings is recorded and celebrated in the world some of us will go to after our lives come to an end for us on this plain.

I believe in love of family. They say that “Blood is thicker than water” and that “Water is life”, what more needs to be said! The blood flowing through the hearts of my family members and the birth waters of my mother are sacred to me. I believe in friends, real ones! In my life I’ve known (and have today) friends who are compassionate, empathetic, supportive and loving. The kindness of their hearts is what attracted me to them. They have my back! I have theirs! It saddens me to know that the world has people in it who don’t know the difference between what is a ‘friend’ and what is an acquaintance. I do! I have had enough of false friends and no longer make space for them in my life.

I believe in doing all I can to make sure that the Anishinabe Algonquin Nation gets its due respect on our never surrendered territory. To our guests and visitors I say “tread softly on the rights of the Algonquin people.” I never cared much for the words “since time immemorial”. These words are not strong enough to describe how long the people who have become known as ‘Algonquin’ have been living here. Our Creation Story begins here within the perimeters of the Kichi Zibi watershed and even beyond that time, never doubt it! If you wish to know how long the Algonquins have been here, ask Creator!

I believe in the Anishinabe Algonquin legends and their ancient lore, passed on to our people by our ancestors. I believe in the wisdom of our old people and in the strength and energy of our young people. I believe in honourable role models and in kind-hearted mentors.

I knew a wise old man years ago, a good friend, who would bark, “Come on in out of the storm” when he came to answer my knock on his door. He would say this in the way of a welcoming, no matter if it was the dandiest day of the year weather-wise. He knew life was a ‘storm’. A storm that had the ability to consume you if ever it found you in a state of weakness. The storm which has engulfed the earth for centuries has gotten far worse today. We need to keep strong teachings by our side to shield us, to defend us and to believe in, to give us a chance to survive ferocious, opposing winds. I recall a person up in age at a pow wow, who said, “It’s not the price of a gift which makes what you are given precious. It is the good intentions of the gift giver which are priceless.” I agree!

We need something to believe in! If you don’t have it, find it!

Keep the Circle Strong,

South Wind (Albert Dumont)

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2 Responses to Things I Believe in

  1. Jeanine Laflamme says:

    Thank you so much 💓

  2. Ron KichiMak8a Fournier-Goddard says:

    Kwey Albert, you are such a very humble person and your writting’s never cease to amaze me Bro! Miigwetch for sharing your thoughts in expressing yourself as such and being who You are in sharing Our Way, the Way’s of the Old One’s! In deepest of respect!

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