This trilingual book, written in English, French and Algonquin is an initiative by Ottawa Public Health. It tells the story of Mahìngan, a young Algonquin boy who reaches out to his Mishòmis (grandpa) for guidance after knowledge of West Nile Virus and Lyme Disease come to his attention at school. Grandpa and Mahìngan spend a day together at the elder’s hunting cabin where the youngster’s fear of the insect carrying sickness is greatly diminished through the power of the old man’s teachings. Mishòmis also offers Mahìngan teachings on the value of insects and their role in nature’s life cycle. The story promotes culture, identity and why common sense should be present in all we do.
Price: $20 each or $15 each for 2 and more plus shipping
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Available in Ottawa at Singing Pebble Books, 202A Main St.