
Greeting Cards

Featuring Albert’s poems and original illustrations. Several of the cards feature the artwork of renowned water-colour artist Brian Young. They are available as a set of 14 different cards.

ON SALE! $42 value for $10 per set  (+ $5 shipping in Canada). To order, please use PayPal below or send an email to


Kichi Migwech, Thank You


My Friend


In Respect



In Respect


Your Friendship


My Child


Your Birth Season


On This Winter's Day


Though You Mourn



In Your Recovery


The Summer Moons



Copyright Albert Dumont. All rights reserved.
Nothing may be copied without the written permission of the author.
Last Update – 14 November 2020

2 Responses to Cards

  1. Pingback: Welcome to Albert’s updated website! | Albert Dumont

  2. Annie Gail Sauve says:

    Kitche Meegwetch Shomis!
    Your cards, bought last year at the Kumik, are wonderful and were really appreciated by the people that received them I am sure.

    I love your poetry and would also like to give a special thanks to the artist who drew the pictures for each and everyone of them.

    Your book, Of Trees and their Wisdom, is never too far from me, and I offered 2 copies of it to some very special people I have met or known. I see that you now have a new book and will try to get it.

    Avec tous mes meilleurs voeux pour 2013,


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