
Albert Dumont, “South Wind”, is a Poet, Storyteller, Speaker, and an Algonquin Traditional Teacher. He was born in traditional Algonquin Territory (Kitigan Zibi). He has been walking the “Red Road” since commencing his sobriety in 1988. He has published six books of poetry and short stories and two children’s books, written in three languages. Initiated poetry contest ‘I am a Human Being’ as English Poet Laureate for Ottawa in 2022, resulting in an anthology of the poems submitted. Several organizations, both native and non-native, are currently featuring his poetry in their promotions, among them are the Wabano Centre for Aboriginal Health and the Native Veterans Association.

Ottawa’s Poet Laureate – April 2021 to April 2023. Currently Albert Dumont is part of the Grandparents Counsel for Well Living House, St. Michael’s Hospital, Toronto (since September 2017). From October 2016 to February 2020 he served his community as one of 13 Elders on the Elders Advisory Committee of the Ministry of the Attorney General. He worked as Elder for the Parole Board of Canada at Elder Assisted Hearings from November 2013 to March 2017. He was the Spiritual Advisor for Aboriginal offenders of J Unit at Millhaven Institution from October 2010 to October 2013.  He has served with the Ottawa Native Concerns Committee since 1993 and also served with the Ottawa and District Injured Workers Group for six years (he is a survivor of construction accident). He was awarded the Public Service Alliance of Canada – National Capital Region (PSAC NCR) 2010 Human Rights Recognition Award. In January 2017 he received the DreamKEEPERS Citation for Outstanding Leadership. In July 2023 he received the François Bregha Storyteller Award from The Historical Society of Ottawa. In June 2024 he was awarded an Honorary Doctorate in Education by uOttawa.

Albert has dedicated his life to promoting Indigenous spirituality and healing and to protecting the rights of Indigenous peoples, particularly the young. He is the father of three daughters (one died at childbirth) and grandfather of five grandchildren.

Albert is the Founder of Turtle Moons Contemplations.

He is available to perform Ceremonies, as a Speaker, and as a Spiritual Advisor. Contact us at info.albert.dumont@gmail.com for books and booking.

21 Responses to About

  1. Louise Logue says:

    Hi Albert,
    I am just writing to say hello and to say how grateful I am for all the wonderful work you do in helping people who are suffering to heal! You are an amazing Elder and someone who makes us all so deeply proud!
    I hope our paths cross soon….
    In peace and friendship
    Louise Logue

  2. gael eakin morton says:

    Albert, I was honored and pleased to meet you on February 5th . I found the whole day very rewarding and productive. You were the guiding force in the Circle of Care and your words of wisdom helped set the tone. I enjoyed talking to you over lunch. Here I am on your website reading your poetry and seeing your artwork! All the best, Gael

  3. Tanya Clavette says:

    To my Dear friend Albert,I want you to know i feel so proud and honored to have you as my elder,having you in my circle of care was very heart warming and listening to you in the circle was very rewarding to me and i will hold that close to my heart forever,i pray to the creator when i have a chance to reunite with my other 3 children that you will be by my side for the guidance and strength and above all the knowlegde to help me through the moment,i would be so honord and proud for you to be by my side for that moment.I thank you from the bottom of my heart for you’re healing word’s and pure wisdom,you are a very wonderful man and have a lot in you’re heart to offer the whole world,,,i truely hope our path’s cross again,you’re friend forever Tanya,,peace and love

    • Sonny Ny Tom Francis says:

      Right on Tanya, I found him…vert Honored man, I want to hear his wisdom too, you can hear the Ancestors through them when he speaks….

  4. Pingback: Thurs June 19 – Indigenous Resistance & Solidarity: Against Pipelines, For The Land – at the Mayfair Theatre | Indigenous Peoples Solidarity Movement Ottawa - www.ipsmo.org

  5. The native community of the Americas can truly be proud of such a communicator and steward for positive and creative transformation into a clean energy globe that is in harmony with Nature and imbibed with the wisdom developed, in peace, by forerunner trail blazers for tens of thousands of years.

  6. Pingback: Elder Albert Dumont - Catherine Clark - #150GreatPeople

  7. Laurie Lloyd says:

    Thank you so much for your kind and wise words in honour of Prince Philip during the Canadian national commemorative ceremony. As others have noted you are clearly a spiritual man, the kind of elder the world needs now more than ever. Bless you, Meegwetch.

  8. Sheila Minogue-Calver says:

    Just read about your appointment as.Ottawa Poet Laureate! Félicitations! Congratulations. I think you will make poetry come alive in this city! I just found out there was a man named Albert Dumont. I look forward to your writings and making poetry shine in Ottawa.
    Sheila Minogue-Calver

  9. Albert Dumont,
    I read your beautiful article on Trees:
    “Protecting trees, even in the city, is your duty as a human being”.
    I was almost in tears knowing that someone cared so much for them.
    In the morning, I look at the beautiful trees around me, and I tell them how beautiful they are, how important they are in our lives and I also apologize for the arm human being do to them. I thank them for bringing us joy, beauty and peaceful moments in our environment.
    Thank you for letting us know so well the importance of trees.

  10. David Dunlop says:

    Hi Albert

    I read your CBC opinion piece today. I think it’s an excellent description of the problems surrounding the “apology”. It starkly renders how the delays, the manner and the location are inappropriate, and are insufficient for resolution. Thanks for your wisdom on this matter, informed by your personal knowledge and growth from tragedy.


  11. Marless johnson says:

    Excuse your ignorance, Mr Storyteller and this sounds like a story to me , who says that you have to wait around for your abusers to come to you before youll give forgiveness then youll move on , who says you need to forgive , putting your best forward and moving on is what makes a person human , obviously youll be waiting till the end of time or when he’ll freezes
    Where ever did you come up with that b.s
    You claim your for indigenous peoples
    Well I say your here only for yourself .
    Us first peoples will get to hold the pope and the catholic church responsible for these atrocities brought upon my people since the simulation of us in the residential school system of Canada
    The Roman catholic church came to an agreement with the government of Canada to a simulatate my people .
    Not once was anyone of them that worked for the Roman catholic church held accountable for the brutality and shame that our ancestors suffered with at the hands of these pedophiles murders and rapists they hired
    You have some nerve to write what you wrote
    Keeper of anything you postioned yourself as why don’t you get a grip and start being a realist instead of a plastic indigenous person

    • South Wind * says:

      I believe that no one escapes justice. Not me, not you, Marless, and certainly not the people whose “atrocities” put the things of severe and life-altering addictions into my life. Such people, all of them, know justice (at last) after they leave this physical world!

      I say to all who have been emotionally and spiritually damaged to find a way to heal from it in any way they can. I support all who set out to better themselves after the attack of cruel people has knocked them off balance. Never, will I even suggest that how they do it is BS. Never, will I stoop to call them “plastic”. Live your life, Marless, but please know that your hateful comment is shortsighted. You have made yourself believe that I am your enemy when I have never hurt you in any way. Live your life and peace be with you. I mean you no harm!

  12. Sharon Knowles says:

    I just finished listening to you at the Canadensis Annual meeting. You are very compelling and I thank you for sharing your ways with us.. I found the idea that everyone is or will be an ancestor fascinating and loved that you will be there for your ancestors even if it is 500 years from now.

  13. Rachael Dixon says:

    Hi Albert,
    I just saw you speak at the Queen’s funeral.I may have misunderstood what you were saying or at least I hope I did.
    Did you just stand at the Queens funeral and speak about the atrocities that the British have done to the natives and that she would be called upon in the afterlife to speak to those??
    I’m sure you didn’t do that at the Queen’s funeral right?
    I thought that’s what I heard but I could be wrong.If not, that was sooooo appalling. That is NOT the time or place to be speaking about those dark times.
    I’m Canadian and I am so embarrassed.
    I really hope that’s not what you said.
    Very very tacky.Wow!!!

  14. Susan. Henwood says:

    A spontaneous note to say what wonderful words you wrote and spoke at the Ottawa Commemorative ceremony today!! Wisdom and appropriate thoughts of the cycles of life. Thank you. May we all be participants and witnesses in these times of possible positive change.

  15. Mufty Mathewson says:

    Dear Mr. Dumont
    Your address was the absolute best tribute to the Queen in my nine hours of watching.
    I am an 89 year-old woman now, daughter in a military family that had grandfathers, uncles, a father, brothers and nieces serve their Queen. Brought up on the side of a parade square I truly loved the pageantry and pomp of the services in the last ten days. However, I have spent the last 8 years learning about Indigenous history in our country much to my settlers shame. Your words today were so needed, so necessary and so appreciated.
    Thank you for your presentation. Is there somewhere it will be printed in full?
    I would be most honoured to be able to read it again or view you saying it again.
    Most Sincerely, Mufty Mathewson,

  16. Nancy Young says:

    It was truly an honour to spend time with you last week. Your comment regarding health care, which began “when people come to us for health”, sticks with me. It is about health and well-being and not about “help”. We are all partners in the journey to wellness. Thank you for sharing your wisdom. I look forward to connecting with you again. Migwetch.

  17. Dear Albert, your yesterday’s speech on CBC was thoughtful and thought-provoking, bringing forward relevant issues from the past and placing them within the current context. The past for the First Nations peoples has been brutal. Your message is healing and hopeful, and I am certain the new generations will find it instructive and inspirational. Your kind words are like medicine, imbued with visions of peace and better future. I am honoured to call you my highly respected friend. Bianca Lakoseljac, author of Stone Woman, a novel. http://www.biancalakoseljac.ca

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