Spirituality Is Unity Walk

Kwey Kwey. You are invited to Spirituality Is Unity: Walk For Our Sacred Site, Akikodjiwan. Join Indigenous and settler faith leaders for a peaceful walk on June 22d. We seek the return and restoration of our sacred site, Akikodjiwan/ Asinabka/ Chaudière Falls and Islands, to the Algonquin Anishinabe.

Friday 22 June 2018 Schedule:
10:00am: Gather on Victoria Island, at the Booth Street entrance. Prayers and ceremonies.
10:30am: Walk to Parliament Hill, gather for speakers and ceremony
12:00pm: Speakers and ceremony at Parliament Hill.

Please share the FB Event and the Invitation Letter far and wide.

Click here for information about last year’s sacred walk.

Algonquin Anishinabe, Sacred, Walk, Akikodjiwan

7 Responses to Spirituality Is Unity Walk

  1. Pingback: Announcement: Spirituality is Unity Walk, June 22 | Albert Dumont

  2. Marie Myers Lloyd says:

    I’ll be coming from Kingston to join the walk.
    I want to know I’ve done what I can with letters, donations, walks to end the rape of this most sacred land and its burial under concrete condos, asphalt roads and retail.
    The desecration is endless, a brutal thing. The betrayals are centuries old and still continuous. Nothing has changed. Douglas Cardinal’s genius is subverted for…shoes, dresses, coffee shops, maybe a bank or two.
    This is the centre of the world for Anishinaabek.
    I loved Grandfather Commanda and I’ll feel that somehow I failed him if I can’t stop this death of his vision, hope and plan. I don’t know how to. I hope he can forgive me.
    Beautiful Ojigkwanang.

  3. Brittany Amell says:

    Wondering what suggestions you might have for actions we can take for those of us who aren’t able to attend. Would love to be present but am committed to another sacred event this day. I already emailed the City… I’ll keep looking for more ideas, so not to worry if you can’t respond. Thanks for your time. Britt

  4. Pingback: Indigenous Spirituality: Let Us Rejoice That It Is Still Here | Albert Dumont

  5. Pingback: Invitation to Spirituality is Unity Walk on Friday 22 June 2018 – Union of National Employees // Syndicat des employées et employés nationaux

  6. Pingback: Invitation à la marche “spiritualité est l’unité” le vendredi 22 juin 2018 – Union of National Employees // Syndicat des employées et employés nationaux

  7. Marie Myers Lloyd says:

    I think people have no idea of the profound power resident in elders. I had one encounter with Grandfather Commanda, almost by accident-and yet not. It reshaped me and affected the way I saw myself. I was in the presence of a human of great depth, and we didn’t speak a lot. We said exactly enough. We met outside categories of white and red- categories needed for certain things. It was like meeting the Sufi poet Rumi- “There’s a field beyond right and wrong; I’ll meet you there.” Maybe not all faith leaders were present, but on Parliament Hill you affirmed that Grandfather was. What more did we need than Grandfather and Rumi with us? What did we lack, there together?

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