2017 Faith Is Peace Walk

Kwey Kwey. This was the link for the 2017 Faith Is Peace: Walk For Our Sacred Site, Akikodjiwan. Indigenous and settler faith leaders walked shoulder to shoulder on June 23rd, 2017. We sought, and still seek, the return and restoration of our sacred site, Akikodjiwan/ Asinabka/ Chaudière Falls and Islands, to the Anishinabe (Algonquin).

23 June 2017 Schedule:
10am: Gather on Victoria Island, at the Booth Street entrance. Prayers and ceremonies.
11am: Walk to Parliament Hill.
12pm (approximately): Reach Parliament Hill, gather for speakers

More information:

Faith Is Peace Invitation to share share share!

Faith Is Peace info pack with useful information about the walk.

Call to action from Albert Dumont “South Wind”

18698244_798863286932852_5618179830768228112_n“Together, in solidarity with members of the region’s religious leaders and anyone else who wishes to join us, we will gather on Victoria Island (Booth Street entrance) at 10 a.m. on the morning of the 23rd. At precisely 11 a.m., Indigenous roots intertwined and locked as one with settler roots, shoulder to shoulder, we will march in prayer to the nation’s Parliament Buildings. Together, we will show the world that Indigenous spirituality is real and is as rich with the blessings of Creator as are all the other faiths practised by the citizenry who make up the population of Canada.”

Please share the event on FB.
See you on the 23rd!

Faith Is Peace June 23_Invitation-Poster


2 Responses to 2017 Faith Is Peace Walk

  1. Pingback: Indigenous Spirituality is Precious: Faith Leaders Unite | Albert Dumont

  2. Deep Gratitude to Elder Albert Dumont and the http://www.freethefalls.ca ad hoc group and the many spiritual and faith filled citizens supporting and helping to lead all people to walk in solidarity in sync with nature as we experience the affects of flooding and Climate Change. As we listen and learn from the wisdom of our ancient peoples our original peoples. To such Elders as Albert, Aboriginal Architect Douglas Cardinal and Algonquin Grandmother Jane Chartrand. See conversations of the heart on Face Book Commission for the Ottawa. In faith we will create new actions to inspire hope as in solidarity we can now see that are the One’s we have been waiting to meet. Thanks for joining us Friday, June 23! 10 am Sacred Victoria Island, noon to 1 pm Parliament Hill.

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