Welcome to Albert’s updated website!

Albert Dumont, a Traditional Teacher, was born and raised on unceded Algonquin territory (Kitigan Zibi). He is a poet and has published 4 books of poetry and short stories and 1 children’s book written in 3 languages. Several organizations, both native and non-native, currently feature his poetry, such as the Wabano Centre for Aboriginal Health and the Native Veterans Association.

Albert has dedicated his life to promoting Aboriginal spirituality and healing and to protecting the rights of Aboriginal peoples, particularly Youth.

Albert has several books available, which make lovely and thoughtful gifts! He also has greeting cards for sale.

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2 Responses to Welcome to Albert’s updated website!

  1. Latreille Luc says:

    I am proud to know you and call you my friend!!!

  2. Kristin Kopra says:

    Hi Albert! Wanted to say that I love the new website. Very nice. I hope you are doing well!

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