The Circle, Power and Healing

If you agree it is a good idea, then please come to take your place in the circle next Saturday, November 21st at 10 a.m. The circle will take place in the park across from North River Road and Prince Albert Street (near Queen Mary). Our purpose? To take a few moments out of your life to express in a circle and to Mino Manido, the Good Spirit, why you support development at Asinabka or why you oppose it. What you express will be your prayer and truth. Your soul and heart, communication to Creator what your definition of spirituality is.

We will speak with honour and humility in our hearts. No one need worry of ridicule or condemnation of any kind for expressing their view. What each of us share will be for our relatives and spirit helpers in the land of our ancestors to weigh and react to.

This is an opportunity for all of us to pray together and to feel free to speak our minds in a good way so we will find peace and understanding with all. And for our community to remain strong and united tomorrow for the sake of our future generations.

Let me know if you are interested in attending. Bring a tobacco tie and a chair. The circle will end with a feast. Please bring your own plates, cups and cutlery.

Please RSVP to

All the best,
South Wind

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