Chief Spence: The Fast is Complete

Chief Spence has ended her fast, the ceremony is complete. But far into the many tomorrows will the benefits of her sacrifice run like painted mustangs on an open range. Our thoughts which bring tears, our tears which bring a clearer view of what is spirituality, a spirituality which brings purpose of life, have changed forevermore and we will be better human beings because of it.

I urge Chief Spence to write a book surrounding the events which led up to her decision to subsist on tea and fish broth for 44 days. Let her record in her own words, for all the world to see, what Canada is guilty of. The names of the hate mongers in the racist media should be highlighted and their vile, despicable and outrageous quotes be installed on the pages of her memoir so that all who read them will see what was being defined as proud Canadians at this turning point for Aboriginals in Canada’s history. Let the Canadians of tomorrow come to their own conclusions as to what Sun Media’s Levant, Solberg, Akin and Gunter had to gain by promoting hatred of the First Nations in this rich and beautiful land. I truly wonder if similar propaganda and hate promotion was directed at the Jewish people in pre-Second World War Europe as that being experienced by the First Peoples of Canada today. The Jews of Europe did not deserve to be hated and neither do the Indigenous Peoples of this country. Levant, Solberg, Akin and Gunter promote hatred, they not only dishonour themselves by doing so but also forever soil their family names. They prove themselves to be nothing more and nothing less than four aces in Lucifer’s stacked deck. What a disgusting legacy they will leave behind at the hour of their passing.

Photo: ©

It was a bitterly cold day when Chief Spence ended her fast. The tranquil land was frozen. Snow, stiffened by the subzero temperatures, crunched and belched under the weight of our steps. Sap freezing in trees cracked like rifle fire, birds appeared round as circles under their blankets of down feathers. It was a good day to end a fast.

The cold moons will soon pass however and the season will change. The land will warm and layer upon layer of frost will leave the ground. For me though, the fast will stay frozen in my mind, heart and soul. Because of it, my thoughts about racism and who perpetrates it will never be the same. My feelings about Canada have been altered. I ask myself, “When will the hate stop?” At this point, I have no answer. My spiritual beliefs are stronger now than ever before. I have learned from the sacred fire near Chief Spence’s teepee that the world needs prayers. Prayer is our only hope, it is strong enough to remove the hate from this land. Prayer will heal the wounded waters. Only prayer will signal to the eagle that human beings are still here.

Keep the Circle Strong,
Albert “South Wind” Dumont.

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One Response to Chief Spence: The Fast is Complete

  1. Celeste Mongrain says:

    My thoughts and prayers continue not only for Chief Spence, but for all of our Aboriginal Peoples around the globe including the non-natives. Stephen Harper is lead by greed in his illusion that he is making Canada prosper when he is actually causing more harm than good. Despite the many attempts he will never break our strong spirits or beliefs that we have carried since birth and for generations. Our ancestors taught us to STAND UP FOR WHAT WE BELIEVE IN, and we always will, we are guided by the Great Spirit for so many reasons I cannot put all of it into words. However; the 8th Fire is burning now and this is a time for change and all that was taken from us will come back to us. We will always stand IDLE NO MORE, as we stand with the Creator and our Ancestors, our spirits will never die, but all must be done with kindness and a good heart, a willingness to work together for the betterment of mankind. Only when we become one will the world ever know, WORLD PEACE. MEEGWETCH!

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