Free the Falls

ChaudiereI received a call a day ago from Lindsay Lambert. Lindsay is a friend of the community and a lover of the natural world. He called to notify me of a site on the City of Ottawa website ( where citizens are asked to submit their ideas of what they believe would best mark Canada’s Sesquicentennial 2017 as a legacy left by Ottawans of today to the inhabitants of the city living here in the far off future. Lindsay sent in his suggestion immediately after reading about the initiative put forward by Mayor Jim Watson himself. Lindsay’s response to the Mayor’s idea came in the form of three simple words: “Free the Falls” (Chaudière).

Lindsay Lambert is asking that as many people as possible sign on and do the same.

Count me in and count me on! Let’s run with this! This is a rare opportunity to create awareness for a noble cause. A cause which, I might add, was also part of the late Algonquin elder William Commanda’s vision for Chaudière and the nearby islands. Imagine if tens of thousands of people were to shout “Free the Falls” through printed words on the city’s website! It could very well end up being that extra little push the mayor and council need to say “yes” to freeing the Chaudière Falls.

To me, the Falls as they are now, can be likened to a great turtle, old and filled with wisdom whose legs are clasped in irons leaving her a captive of technology, unable to roam freely where God intended her to go.

I long to see the waters of the Chaudière Falls flowing through the eyes of my ancestors. And my ears to hear their song in the same way as did the Algonquins of thousands of years ago. With that I would transcend completely into spirituality, grace and fortitude with the waters of the Falls.

What measure of a man would I be if I did not dream of a time when the pines of my territory aged to know more than 400 winters? Of a time before technology began stabbing the heart of my once pristine homeland. If the Falls were free, we would have at least something original and something real again. “Free the Falls!” Let’s do it together!

Keep the Circle Strong,
South Wind.

TAKE ACTION: Just click on and write “Free the Falls” or use your own words to tell Mayor Watson to free the Chaudière Falls. It only takes a few seconds to submit your idea. Do it now! And please ask your friends, too!

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4 Responses to Free the Falls

  1. Frank Castle says:

    I fully support the proposed development on the Domtar Lands, the land has been sitting eyesore for years now and is a bad image for the Ottawa River. As for the Native Americans who have been creating a big fuss over this, the Natives have already laid claim to Victoria Island and have created an area on the island just for themselves which makes me ask how much land do you need? I find it really selfish and ignorant that when someone wants to finally do some good in this City to improve the image of it and people make a fuss. I think Windmill Developments will make a great community and a better image for Ottawa’s waterfront.

    • Kelly Black says:

      How much land do YOU or developers need, Frank? Learn a thing or two about colonization and you’ll find out what’s selfish and ignorant.

  2. Pingback: July 23 – Decolonizing Together: Indigenous Walking Tour, Solidarity Assembly & Asinabka Festival Film Screening | Indigenous Peoples Solidarity Movement Ottawa -

  3. R Procyk says:

    Mr. Castle, getting a little land back in a country that used to be all native land is hardly asking too much.

    What would be a private-for-profit gig could well turn in to the recovery of a beautiful and holy place in the nations capital for all to enjoy, appreciate and wonder at. No-one wants to come to Ottawa to look at another stack of condos.

    Yes. Do something for Ottawa, Canada and Canadians – restore the Chaudiere Falls.

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