Tag Archives: Asinabka

Asinabka – Privately Owned? Ridiculous!

It sickens my heart to hear people say, “The islands around the Chaudière Falls (Asinabka) are privately owned.” I am in total agreement that many things of our dysfunctional world can be bought and sold. There was even a time … Continue reading

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Items Of Great Concern To Our Community

I Vow to Protect Asinabka The Flower Moon has arrived! Once again it is at that special time of the spring season when the rooster partridge drums while clinging to the moss of a long fallen pine and Mother Earth … Continue reading

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Asinabka: Impossible To Buy!

Waterfowl and fish know where the most sacred places are on a river. The breath of the river rises at such a place. The healing song it sends forth through its rising mist is heard spiritually by all things residing … Continue reading

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The Circle, Power and Healing

If you agree it is a good idea, then please come to take your place in the circle next Saturday, November 21st at 10 a.m. The circle will take place in the park across from North River Road and Prince … Continue reading

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Spirit of Asinabka

After a friendly discussion with Romola, I will, hence of this day, when speaking of our most sacred site on the Grand River of the Anishinabe Kichesipirini Nation (Algonquin), refer to said place as Asinabka. It is a word which … Continue reading

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Zibi Condo Sales – A Clarification

I want to clarify here and now to readers of my blog that I do not feel I was badly treated by anyone last Saturday, November 7, while participating in a protest at the Zibi condo sales site. Jeff Westeinde … Continue reading

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Zibi Condo Sales – An Objection

It was important for me, as an Algonquin, to stand yesterday (Nov. 7) with the good people who object to the planned destruction of Asinabka (Akikodjiwan), our ancient sacred space, at the ‘Zibi’ sales site (3 Eddy Street, Gatineau, Québec). … Continue reading

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Asinabka (Akikodjiwan)

If at the end of it all, condos 12 storeys high do get erected at Asinabka (Chaudière Falls and its Islands), it will be a great setback to plans honourable people have made in bringing a sensible and lasting process … Continue reading

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Once Upon A Time

Once upon a time there lived an emperor who believed himself heaven sent by God to look after the needs of the richest and most powerful men of the land. The emperor’s castle had many rooms, all of them filled … Continue reading

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Arboretum Festival Panel

I learned stuff this past weekend at the Arboretum Festival’s UNCEDED OTTAWA Panel (on 22 August), but I can’t wrap my head around where some of it makes any sense. This territory, the never surrendered ancestral lands of the Algonquin … Continue reading

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