Category Archives: Idle No More

Albert wrote a series of posts about Idle No More.

Funding the “Faith is Peace” Walk

Dear Readers, The “Faith is Peace” walk was for me “prayer in motion.” I think we can all agree on that! Each step taken, proclaimed to all spirit of Creator Land that all religions and faiths in the Ottawa Region … Continue reading

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Faith Is Peace: Walk To Save Akikodjiwan (June 23, 2017)

A special moment in my life took place this past Friday, when Algonquin elders took part in the ‘Faith is Peace’ walk (Victoria Island to Parliament Hill). What made this walk so profoundly joyful and memorable for me is the … Continue reading

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DreamKEEPERS, Politicians, Chaudière Falls

I want all of you who took the time to send your most welcomed remarks congratulating me for receiving a citation (DreamKEEPERS Citation for Outstanding Leadership) to know how grateful I am that you did so. A friend of mine … Continue reading

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DreamKEEPERS Citation

Martin Luther King Jr. (MLK) said, “We must not allow our creative protest to degenerate into physical violence. Again and again, we must rise to the majestic heights of meeting physical force with soul force.” Where did such inspiration come … Continue reading

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Black Direction House Concert

What a wonderful and memorable evening (January 7, 2017) was had by all who attended the Black Direction House Concert held in La Pêche at the home of Bettina and Andrew Johnston. Our hosts graciously welcomed many good people made … Continue reading

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J.B., The Cat Who Thinks He’s A Dog

A friend of mine lives in an old farm house on the outskirts of the city. A cat (I’m almost 100% certain it’s a cat) lives with him. The cat’s fur is the colour of a freshly shined black shoe, … Continue reading

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New Year’s Eve On Parliament Hill 2016-2017

A special moment occurred for me New Year’s Eve on Parliament Hill. I held a torch, along with The Right Honourable Melanie Joly, Canada’s Heritage Minister. His Excellency, The Right Honourable David Johnston and his darling wife held a second … Continue reading

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My Feelings on Joseph Boyden

Twenty-five summers ago at Lebreton Flats, I stood in circle with 70 good people at 5:15 a.m. to welcome the rising sun with offerings of heartberries and tobacco. At least 35 of the sunrise ceremony’s participants were white folk. This … Continue reading

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Asinabka: A Compromise

At the beginning of the night, through the loft window of my cabin I saw them, three women dancing, illuminated by Kokomis’ lantern. How gently their skirts swayed, as if pushed forward by the swelling and deflating lungs of a … Continue reading

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Asinabka – Privately Owned? Ridiculous!

It sickens my heart to hear people say, “The islands around the Chaudière Falls (Asinabka) are privately owned.” I am in total agreement that many things of our dysfunctional world can be bought and sold. There was even a time … Continue reading

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