Chief Spence: The Fasting Ritual

The men of Millhaven Institution’s (CSC) Native Brotherhood have found a hero, perhaps for the first time in their lives. Chief Theresa Spence has become a mighty source of inspiration into their rehabilitation goals. Her messages to them is that violence only assures destruction of one’s inner self and guarantees the suffering of innocents. She tells them through me, that peace and love will turn away any oppressive tide pushed forth by Canadians who, for no good reason, despise the First Peoples. Her strong counsels are meaningful to them because they know of the sacrifice she is prepared to make so all Canadians can enjoy a good and prosperous co-existence with us, the keepers of Indigenous bloodlines.

The men of the Native Brotherhood sent Chief Spence their best wishes and their hope that she will stay strong. They wanted her to know that the stand she is taking compels them to leave a gentle indentation on the land of their own doing, as she is. A mark their communities can spiritually touch and connect with. The Chief was grateful for their good wishes and said she will keep them in her prayers as she continues her fast.

Anyone partaking of a ceremonial fast is in a sacred state of spiritual communication. All their words, all their actions, all their thoughts roll like a wind into the world of spirits. The ancestors and loved ones living there welcome the breeze into their midst and make plans at that time on how best to respond to what the wind has brought them.

The lungs and other organs of a human being’s body know what is occurring when sustenance for them stops because a fasting ritual is transpiring. The organs quieten and react to the encouraging whispers of the spirit attached to the human being undergoing the fast. The organs find strength in the prayers being said and do not cry for foods because of them.

Chief Spence also has the island to support her. The rapids and of course the nearby falls so rich in spirit stand with her, too. Anyone who goes there with an open heart will feel upon their souls, the caresses of the many spirits assisting the Chief in her time of fasting. The spirits grant dreams, profound in spiritual messages. They wait to gift people of good hearts who go to the island, with a seed which will flower in their sleep time and reveal something of spiritual direction for them and only them to benefit from.

Let us stand spiritually with Chief Spence and face each of the four directions and say the words “Peace and love to all”.

Keep the Circle Strong,
Albert “South Wind” Dumont.

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