Category Archives: Spirituality

Migwech To You

A prayer I wrote years ago has the words “And I am grateful, Good Spirit, for the ability you have given human beings which allows us to express words of support and comfort to one another in times of troubles … Continue reading

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Pauline Daley (Dumont)

The Dumont family has lost one of our pillars. My sister Pauline passed away just before 2 a.m. on the morning of Friday, June 6th, 2014. Her health was poor for many years, still her passing was a blow to … Continue reading

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Free the Falls

I received a call a day ago from Lindsay Lambert. Lindsay is a friend of the community and a lover of the natural world. He called to notify me of a site on the City of Ottawa website ( where … Continue reading

Posted in Community, Idle No More, Nature, Spirituality | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 4 Comments

Big News!!!

I have a new grandchild, a boy. My heart is swollen with joy that he and his mother have begun their sacred journey together with both in good health. The beats of my drum carry the promises I make to … Continue reading

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With Spring Comes the Fast

I need spring to arrive! I’m longing for it much in the same way as I would for the sight and company of a dear friend disappeared from my life long ago. I want to feel the warmth of the … Continue reading

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Close Call on the 105

A Blessing! I raise my hands skyward and my feet softly touch Mother Earth in gentle caress. My heart emits its song of gratitude and crow, robin and pine spirits sway joyfully in acknowledgement of my song. I have received … Continue reading

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The Kettle of Boiling Waters: Chaudière Falls, Algonquin Territory

I recall many years ago, standing on the Chaudière Bridge in Ottawa with an elder from Pyramid Lake, Nevada. She was in the territory to share teachings of her people, the Paiute Nation. I had been delegated to assist her … Continue reading

Posted in Community, Nature, Spirituality | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 17 Comments

Performance Enhancing Drugs

Like many Canadians, I write poetry! The stanzas I put together are uniquely my own. My life’s experiences, along with a little bit of my heart and soul, are definitely in the most passionate and spiritual of my works. A … Continue reading

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Migwech Ancestors

Since snow and ice arrived, already many accidents are occurring. People are being careless and not giving the snow, ice and cold winds the respect due them. The ice does not make promises of health and safety to anyone. Even … Continue reading

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Tribute to an Elder

A beautiful human being, old and wise, whose spirit grew ever stronger with each of her 92 winters of life, has passed away. Beverley Robinson – Morin – Von Baeyer was a one-of-a-kind human dynamic. I was privileged to know … Continue reading

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