Category Archives: Spirituality

Life’s Highway, A Collision In The Making

I was clipping along in my Jeep a few days ago on a straight stretch of road about 50 km east of Bancroft, Ont. when I was shaken up a bit by an unexpected experience. Let me tell you about … Continue reading

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Chaudière Falls: Unceded Territory

Sacredness is present everywhere! The birds singing their welcoming songs for the early morning sun and the dew-covered berries of early summer know it. All things in the fertile fields of our grand valleys and stirring on the rocky landscape … Continue reading

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Reconciliation: Pleasant Park School

Reconciliation – that’s what June 10th at Pleasant Park Elementary School was truly all about. The First Peoples have had a rough ride of it in this country for quite a while. We only began reclaiming our spirituality in the … Continue reading

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A Plea For Help

The seasons of life, how wonderfully fortunate and privileged are the human beings who experience all of them! To live from the springtime of your life all the way through to the winter of your years is something we hope … Continue reading

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Development On The Chaudière Falls? No!

The Chaudière Falls – so many thoughts come to mind when I see and hear them. ‘The Kettle of Boiling Waters,’ for me, always provokes thoughts of life and its purpose and of the world waiting for us after our … Continue reading

Posted in Community, Idle No More, Nature, Spirituality | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | 4 Comments

Invitation: Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) Event at Rideau High School

I hope this post finds you well. After eight extremely busy weeks I was more than worn out. I truly felt like my wings had been clipped and that climbing the sky wasn’t going to happen again for me at … Continue reading

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Healing Heartache

As weightless fluffy flakes of snow slowly tumble from the windless sky to form their own distinctive layer on the already snow-covered frozen earth, I find myself in deep meditation of the heart beating in my chest. I marvel at … Continue reading

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Where’s the Snow?

Where’s the snow? What effect would a snowless winter have on the plants, birds and animals of our territory? My beekeeper friend also farms garlic. The crop won’t do well if snow doesn’t come soon, he tells me. Garlic needs … Continue reading

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If a dark day arrived when we found love was no longer ‘real’, would we then have to accept that we no longer existed as human beings? The world of the human beings must be a loving one, if not, … Continue reading

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The Chaudière Falls – a Truly Sacred Site

The prophecy, so I am told, speaks of a time yet to come, when human beings will find themselves at a crossroads. A choice will then need to be made. If the wrong path is chosen, destruction, mayhem and death … Continue reading

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