Tag Archives: Albert Dumont


There are memories that haunt me, I see them in my distant past and wish they had never occurred. I Wish I Could ForgetI recall that as an innocent 6-year-old boy, hearing white people shout, “Go back to where you … Continue reading

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The Spiritual Caress of the Winter Season

I was recently blessed with a life-altering and dreamlike experience. Truly spiritually refreshing! I want to tell you about it. It was on a sunlit winter’s day, which followed a period of heavy snow and freezing temperatures. I had attached … Continue reading

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Book Launch: Sitting by the Rapids

After a fine day of sunshine and joy, the evening of Wednesday, December 12, 2018, will be especially memorable to me for many years to come. It will forever mark the time when I launched my poetry book Sitting by … Continue reading

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Good Luck Marlene Carter

This visit (March 30) with Marlene, likely the last one I will have with her at the Brockville Mental Health Centre, was the best of all the numerous and wonderful times I’ve spent with her. There is so much to reflect … Continue reading

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Marlene Carter Is Feeling Hopeful

I am happy to report to all of you that I had a pleasant visit with Marlene on Tuesday, March 15th. I want all concerned to know that our objections as to how Marlene was being treated for her mental … Continue reading

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The Royal – Protest Supporting Marlene Carter – February 26, 2016

Our day of protest was a freezing one to be sure (-27°C). But I can tell you, the frigidness of the day had a ways to sink in its gauge to find the depth of the cold-heartedness the mental healthcare … Continue reading

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Press Release: Protesters will March to Royal Ottawa Mental Health Centre to Call For End of Solitary Confinement of Mentally-Ill First Nations Woman

For Immediate Release – 24 February 2016, Ottawa, Ontario Protesters will March to Royal Ottawa Mental Health Centre to Call For End of Solitary Confinement of Mentally-Ill First Nations Woman What: March & Rally for Marlene Carter at The Royal! … Continue reading

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Big News!!!

I have a new grandchild, a boy. My heart is swollen with joy that he and his mother have begun their sacred journey together with both in good health. The beats of my drum carry the promises I make to … Continue reading

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“Honour Your Word”

The documentary “Honour Your Word” to me, is a call for Canada’s citizens to go on the march in defence of the sacredness Canadians claim to place on the threads which connect the hearts and souls of all the good … Continue reading

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Raging? Not Me!

It shook me up a bit on the weekend to hear a woman I hardly know tell a group of people, “the North is where our friend Albert would stand because he is raging and angry.” I’m quite certain that … Continue reading

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